In the ever-evolving landscape of healthcare, artificial intelligence (AI) technology has emerged as a game-changer. AI has been making waves in dermatology practice, particularly in the detection and diagnosis of skin lesions, including potential skin cancer. One standout in this AI revolution is ChatGPT, a powerful generative AI model developed by OpenAI in 2022.

ChatGPT is designed to engage in human-like conversations and generate detailed information when prompted. This free and widely accessible tool has gained popularity across various medical specialties, including dermatology, radiology, plastic surgery, and urology.

In this article, we’ll explore the potential uses of ChatGPT in dermatology practice, highlighting both its benefits and ethical considerations.

The Potential Uses of ChatGPT in Dermatology Practice

One of the key advantages of ChatGPT is its ability to enhance clinical efficiency. It serves as a more advanced alternative to traditional search engines, providing natural language processing and contextual understanding to offer concise, informative responses to specific queries. Moreover, ChatGPT can engage in interactive conversations, asking follow-up questions to provide more precise and relevant information. Dermatologists can leverage this feature to improve the accuracy of their differential diagnoses.

ChatGPT can also streamline clinical practice by generating various medical documents such as after-visit summaries, post-procedure instructions, referrals, prior authorization appeal letters, and educational handouts. This efficiency boost can alleviate provider burnout and ultimately enhance patient care. Additionally, ChatGPT can mimic human conversation, making it a potential tool for interpreting during patient visits, addressing a current issue in healthcare where virtual translators can be cumbersome.

Beyond clinical practice, ChatGPT holds promise in medical education. Medical schools and universities can use it to simulate interactive patient encounters, helping students practice taking patient histories and developing differential diagnoses. This low-stress environment allows students to refine their clinical skills without the logistical challenges associated with standardized patient training.

Other potential applications of ChatGPT in dermatology include survey administration, clinical trial recruitment, and automatic high-risk medication monitoring. However, the quality, accuracy, and safety of ChatGPT-generated content must be carefully assessed in each scenario.

Potential Pitfalls of ChatGPT in Dermatology Practice and Mitigation Strategies

A significant concern with ChatGPT’s use in clinical practice is its potential to produce inaccurate or biased information. Recent studies have shown instances where ChatGPT generated research abstracts containing incorrect data. This raises concerns about patient safety, dermatologist credibility, and license integrity if such information is used in documents sent to insurance companies or patients. Dermatologists using ChatGPT for document drafting should actively review the output for accuracy. Furthermore, ChatGPT’s current knowledge is limited to information up to 2021, which may impact its ability to access the latest research.

Another critical point is the possibility of perpetuating harmful stereotypes and social biases present in the training data of AI models. When considering ChatGPT’s use in clinical decision-making, dermatologists should view it as a supplementary information source, similar to a search engine. Clinical suspicion and expertise should always take precedence over ChatGPT output. Patients should also exercise caution when seeking and following medical advice from ChatGPT, as it may be misleading or incorrect.

The use of ChatGPT to evaluate patient health records raises concerns about patient privacy and confidentiality. Providers should refrain from entering protected patient information into ChatGPT or any other internet-based platform.

The combined use of SkiniveMD app and ChatGPT

The combined utilization of the SkiniveMD app and ChatGPT by dermatologists opens a new horizon of possibilities in modern skin health management. These two cutting-edge technologies, each with its unique strengths, can complement and enhance the dermatologist’s diagnostic and patient care capabilities.

Precise Visual Analysis: Skinive MD App
The Skinive MD app offers a visual analysis of skin conditions, providing dermatologists with a preliminary understanding of a patient’s skin health. By capturing images of moles, lesions, or other skin abnormalities, the app can categorize these conditions and offer initial insights. Dermatologists can use these insights as a starting point for their evaluation, streamlining the diagnostic process.

Contextual Information and Interaction: ChatGPT
ChatGPT, on the other hand, brings a conversational AI element to the table. Dermatologists can engage with ChatGPT to retrieve contextual information about specific skin conditions, treatment options, or recent research. This interaction facilitates quick access to knowledge, enabling dermatologists to make well-informed decisions.

The Synergy:
When used together, the SkiniveMD app and ChatGPT can create a powerful synergy:

Efficient Patient Assessment: Dermatologists can utilize the Skinive MD app to visually assess the patient’s condition before their appointment. This allows them to begin the diagnostic process with a clearer understanding, potentially accelerating the patient’s care journey.
Enhanced Research: ChatGPT can assist dermatologists in staying up-to-date with the latest research, treatment protocols, and clinical guidelines. This knowledge can be integrated into patient care plans for more informed decision-making.

An Example Scenario:

Imagine a dermatologist evaluating a patient with a peculiar mole during mole mapping. The dermatologist uses the Skinive MD app to obtain a preliminary classification of the mole’s characteristics. They then engage ChatGPT to gather more insights into recent research on similar cases, potential treatment options, and patient education resources. Armed with this information, the dermatologist can provide the patient with a more comprehensive evaluation, treatment plan, and recommendations for ongoing care.

In conclusion, the integration of the Skinive app and ChatGPT into dermatological practice enhances diagnostic capabilities, streamlines knowledge retrieval, and potentially expedites patient care. The synergy between visual analysis and contextual information can empower dermatologists to provide more informed and personalized care to their patients while emphasizing the irreplaceable role of professional medical expertise.

The Bottom Line

ChatGPT has the potential to enhance clinical efficiency, reduce provider burnout, and improve patient care in dermatology practice. However, dermatologists must carefully assess its accuracy, biases, and patient confidentiality concerns. Ethical considerations of nonmaleficence and justice should guide its integration into clinical practice.

Concluding our research on August 28, 2023, we turned to ChatGPT for its perspective:

User: Should dermatologists incorporate ChatGPT into their clinical practice?
ChatGPT: As an AI language model, ChatGPT can indeed prove valuable within the realm of dermatology clinical practice. However, its usage warrants careful consideration alongside other information sources and clinical discernment.
Dermatologists should be conscious of the potential advantages and pitfalls tied to ChatGPT’s utilization. Making well-informed choices regarding its integration into clinical practice is imperative. It’s crucial to acknowledge that ChatGPT is not a substitute for the nuanced expertise of medical professionals or the essential interaction between caregivers and patients. Instead, it serves as a supplement meant to amplify the overall quality of patient care.

For dermatologists opting to leverage ChatGPT, understanding its limitations and potential hazards is pivotal. These encompass factors like its constrained accuracy, potential lack of contextual understanding, and the possible legal implications if it generates erroneous data or recommendations that result in patient harm. In critical decisions regarding patient care, dermatologists should rely on their seasoned judgment and collaborate with fellow healthcare experts.

In essence, while ChatGPT offers value, dermatologists must approach its adoption with mindfulness, leveraging its capabilities to complement their clinical expertise and foster enriched patient care.