Noi di Skinive teniamo alla vostra privacy e la protezione dei vostri dati personali è molto importante per noi e ci impegniamo a proteggere e tutelare i dati personali che condividete con noi quando utilizzate il nostro servizio. Vi invitiamo a leggere attentamente la presente informativa sulla privacy per aiutarvi a capire quali dati personali e come li trattiamo, chi ha accesso ai vostri dati e quali diritti avete.
In caso di domande, non esitate a contattarci tramite i recapiti indicati alla fine della presente informativa.
Per ulteriori informazioni sull’utilizzo dei cookie, si rimanda alla nostra Politica sui cookie.
1. Introduzione
Benvenuti sul sito web di Skinive e sui “Servizi online”, un servizio di informazione e comunicazione online fornito da Skinve Holding B.V. (“Skinive” o “Noi” o “Ci”), a condizione che l’utente accetti tutti i presenti termini e condizioni (“Termini”). Skinve Holding B.V. è una fondazione costituita secondo le leggi dei Paesi Bassi.
Skinve Holding B.V. può modificare i presenti Termini in qualsiasi momento, e tali modifiche saranno efficaci immediatamente dopo la pubblicazione dei Termini modificati sul sito web di Skinive. Chiederemo all’utente di confermare di aver ricevuto i Termini modificati prima di accedere ai Servizi.
Per quanto riguarda le modifiche ai Termini che comportano cambiamenti negativi sostanziali, come il peggioramento dei diritti o l’aumento dei costi, offriremo agli abbonati l’opportunità di rinunciare a tali modifiche.
agli abbonati l’opportunità di rinunciare a tali modifiche per il resto del loro abbonamento a pagamento (con l’effetto che continueremo ad applicare la versione precedente dei Termini o consentiremo agli abbonati che stanno rinunciando di terminare in anticipo con un rimborso proporzionale delle tariffe prepagate), se e come richiesto dalla legge. È possibile rinunciare inviando un’e-mail a
Se l’utente non accetta i presenti Termini aggiornati o non desidera essere vincolato dalle modifiche apportate in seguito agli avvisi pubblicati, deve interrompere l’utilizzo dei Siti web e del Servizio.
Di tanto in tanto Skinive può offrire ai visitatori del sito web l’opportunità di partecipare a funzionalità o servizi aggiuntivi attraverso i Servizi online di Skinive. All’utente potrebbe essere richiesto di stipulare accordi aggiuntivi o di fornire autorizzazioni prima di poter accedere a tali funzionalità o servizi.
Se non si accettano tutti i Termini, o se si ha meno di diciotto (18) anni, non utilizzare il Servizio. Si prega di leggere attentamente tutti i Termini
prima di utilizzare il Servizio. Oltre ai presenti Termini, i Servizi online sono disciplinati anche dalla nostra Informativa sulla privacy e dall’Informativa sui cookie.
2. Fornitura di servizi
Skinive fornisce i seguenti Servizi online:
- L’applicazione chat-bot (App) nei messenger di Facebook e Telegram;
Le applicazioni mobili di Skinive in Appstore e Google Play.
Il sito web (Sito web).
Per utilizzare i Servizi Skinive, come descritto di seguito, è necessario il chat-bot Start per ricevere un account Skinive. È possibile e completando il questionario del Profilo di rischio e del Tipo di pelle.
A seconda del Paese in cui si risiede e del tipo di servizio selezionato, l’App Skinive fornisce i seguenti Servizi: Skinive
valutazione e altri servizi.
L’obiettivo dei Servizi online Skinive è quello di aiutarvi a monitorare e seguire la vostra pelle nel tempo, informarvi sulla salute della pelle, fornirvi l’opportunità di valutare il profilo di rischio della vostra pelle. Il nostro obiettivo è creare una maggiore consapevolezza della salute della pelle, inviandovi informazioni e promemoria per mantenervi in linea con il vostro percorso di salute.
Valutazione Skinive
Il servizio Skinive Assessment consente di scattare una foto di una singola macchia del corpo seguendo le istruzioni della guida utente. Le immagini saranno poi valutate dall’algoritmo Skinive per individuare potenziali segni delle forme più comuni di acne cutanea, papilloma, nei, formazioni benigne e cancro (ad esempio melanoma, carcinoma basocellulare, carcinoma a cellule squamose).
Skinive esegue un controllo continuo della qualità delle valutazioni con un team di esperti di algoritmi e di riconoscimento delle immagini, collaborando con i dermatologi. Nei casi di potenziale rischio per la salute, Skinive fornisce un feedback sul passo successivo da compiere.
L’obiettivo della valutazione è quello di aiutare l’utente a comprendere lo stato di salute della propria pelle e non fornisce una diagnosi di cancro della pelle o di altre potenziali patologie cutanee.
Skinive offre anche un abbonamento per un (1) mese e un (1) anno, che dà accesso a un numero illimitato di valutazioni finché l’abbonamento è attivo. Dopo un anno di abbonamento, sarete contattati per informarvi che il vostro abbonamento sta per terminare. Se non si reagisce o non si rinnova l’abbonamento, l’account verrà declassato ad account standard. È sempre possibile aggiornare il proprio account.
Skinive collabora con specifiche assicurazioni sanitarie e aziende. Quando si è ammessi all’abbonamento annuale tramite una di queste parti, le condizioni di utilizzo e la durata dell’uso possono variare e dipendono dal contratto e dall’accordo che Skinive ha con la parte interessata.
Altri servizi
Oltre ai servizi di cui sopra, Skinive fornisce altri servizi che consentono di scattare foto con la fotocamera standard dello smartphone, creare archivi, organizzare e commentare le immagini per monitorare la pelle nel tempo. È inoltre possibile compilare il questionario per valutare il proprio profilo cutaneo.
Nessun rapporto medico-paziente
I Servizi sono forniti esclusivamente all’utente (Servizi personali). Nessuna interazione nell’ambito dei Servizi crea un rapporto medico-paziente come definito dalle leggi bielorusse.
leggi bielorusse. Skinive è stato progettato per supportare le decisioni e le scelte in materia di salute che l’utente prende per se stesso. Nel contesto della salute e del benessere, le decisioni dell’utente devono sempre essere prese in collaborazione con il proprio medico curante o fornitore di assistenza sanitaria.
Raccolta dei dati e privacy dei dati
I Servizi possono essere forniti all’utente quando vengono raccolti determinati dati da parte nostra. Gli obiettivi per i quali vengono raccolti determinati tipi di dati sono elencati di seguito. Per
ulteriori informazioni sulle modalità di raccolta dei dati, si rimanda alla nostra Informativa sulla privacy. I vostri dati personali vengono raccolti per fornirvi i servizi, tra cui la valutazione del rischio, il feedback, l’assistenza clienti, il marketing, le comunicazioni non commerciali, per attività di ricerca, per gestire e migliorare i nostri Servizi e per obblighi legali.
3. Politica di follow-up sanitario
Skinive migliora costantemente i propri servizi svolgendo attività di ricerca. Nell’ambito delle attività di ricerca, possiamo effettuare controlli sulle foto per verificare l’accuratezza delle valutazioni. Nel caso in cui dovessimo scoprire alcuni risultati relativi alla salute dell’utente, potremmo contattarlo al di fuori della nostra regolare valutazione automatica nell’app. Vi informeremo di questi risultati inviandovi un messaggio all’indirizzo e-mail che ci avete fornito come nome utente. In caso di risultati gravi e qualora non fossimo in grado di contattarvi tramite il vostro indirizzo e-mail, potremmo provare a contattarvi tramite il numero di telefono che ci avete fornito o tramite altri canali.
4. Quando non utilizzare la valutazione
Skinive raccomanda di leggere la Guida per l’utente e le Istruzioni per l’uso prima di utilizzare l’assessment.
La valutazione ha lo scopo di individuare i potenziali segni delle forme più comuni di cancro della pelle (melanoma, carcinoma basocellulare, carcinoma squamocellulare).
squamose). Se si desidera analizzare una lesione, si consiglia di non utilizzare la valutazione se:
– Si ha la pelle scura (tipo di pelle V e VI secondo la scala Fitzpatrick) o la pelle è scottata dal sole;La lesione è stata precedentemente traumatizzata (escissione/biopsia);
– La pelle circostante la lesione non è intatta (piaghe aperte, ulcere, emorragie);
– La lesione si trova sotto l’unghia o le unghie;
– La lesione è molto vicina a un’area (visibile) con cicatrici;
– La lesione e la pelle circostante (<5 cm) contengono sostanze estranee (ad es. pennarello, tatuaggio, crema solare, crema per la pelle, polvere, ecc;)
– La lesione è circondata o coperta da una quantità significativa di peli;
– La lesione si trova su superfici mucose (ad esempio, labbra, genitali).
– La lesione si trova in una piega cutanea.
Quando la valutazione viene effettuata per una lesione soggetta a una delle controindicazioni sopra citate, la valutazione può essere influenzata in modo imprevedibile.
modo imprevedibile. In caso di dubbi su una lesione cutanea o quando questa cambia, è irritata o sanguina, consultare sempre il medico.
Le controindicazioni si applicano solo alla valutazione. Le controindicazioni non si applicano quando si desidera fotografare le lesioni cutanee per monitorarne i cambiamenti senza sottoporle a una valutazione, o quando si desidera condividere la foto con un medico. La lesione deve essere fotografata direttamente (ad esempio, senza l’uso di dermascope, lenti, specchi o altri dispositivi).
5. Nessuna garanzia
L’utente comprende e accetta che i Servizi online di Skinive e qualsiasi servizio, contenuto o informazione contenuti o forniti dai Servizi online di Skinive sono forniti “così come sono”. Skinive non rilascia alcuna garanzia espressa o implicita, dichiarazione o approvazione di alcun tipo (incluse, senza limitazioni, le garanzie di titolarità o di non violazione, o le garanzie implicite di commerciabilità o di idoneità per uno scopo particolare) in relazione al servizio o a qualsiasi merce, informazione o servizio fornito attraverso il servizio. Inoltre, Skinive non garantisce che l’uso dei Servizi online di Skinive sia esente da difficoltà tecnologiche, tra cui, a titolo esemplificativo, indisponibilità di informazioni, tempi di inattività, interruzioni del servizio, virus o worm e l’utente è consapevole di essere responsabile dell’implementazione di procedure e punti di controllo sufficienti a soddisfare le proprie esigenze particolari di accuratezza dell’input e dell’output dei dati.
6. Spese per i Servizi
- Per utilizzare i Servizi online, all’utente potrebbe essere richiesto di inviare i dati di fatturazione e pagamento tramite BePaid o gli app store Google Play o Apple App Store. Prima di utilizzare i Servizi online all’interno dell’App, ad eccezione degli altri servizi Skinive, vi sarà richiesto di pagare gli importi dovuti come indicato nell’App o sul Sito web. L’utente ci autorizza espressamente ad addebitargli gli importi dovuti utilizzando le informazioni di pagamento da noi archiviate. Tutte le informazioni di pagamento saranno elaborate, memorizzate e protette dal nostro fornitore di pagamenti di terze parti BePaid, o dagli app store Google Play o Apple App Store.
- L’abbonamento annuale non sarà rinnovato automaticamente.
- Non riceverete alcun rimborso per le tariffe già pagate per il periodo di abbonamento in corso e continuerete a ricevere i Servizi ordinati fino al termine del periodo di abbonamento in corso.
- Skinive collabora con alcune assicurazioni sanitarie e aziende. Quando l’utente è ammesso all’uso delle valutazioni o dell’abbonamento annuale tramite uno dei nostri partner, le tariffe per il servizio e la durata dell’uso possono variare e dipendono dal contratto che Skinive ha stipulato con il partner.
7. Rimborso
1. Poiché vi forniamo un servizio unico, tutti i servizi a pagamento non sono rimborsabili. Se ritenete che vi sia stato un errore nella fatturazione o se avete diritto a un rimborso, contattateci all’indirizzo
diritto a un rimborso, si prega di contattarci all’indirizzo
2. I crediti acquistati o ricevuti nel portafoglio non possono essere scambiati con denaro.
8. Interruzione dei servizi
Skinive si riserva il diritto di modificare, interrompere, temporaneamente o permanentemente, i Servizi, o qualsiasi parte di essi, in qualsiasi momento, con o senza preavviso. Quando appropriato, Skinive fornirà all’utente un rimborso proporzionale. Inoltre, l’accesso dell’utente ai Servizi può essere interrotto in qualsiasi momento qualora l’utente violi i Termini del presente contratto o qualora Skinive stabilisca, se l’utente fa un uso improprio del servizio o agisce in modo non etico, o per qualsiasi altro motivo, che non è più opportuno che l’utente abbia accesso ai Servizi.
9. Esonero di responsabilità, limitazioni ed esclusioni di responsabilità
1. I Servizi online di Skinive vengono forniti per monitorare, monitorare e comprendere la salute della pelle dell’utente. I Servizi online hanno lo scopo di aiutare a comprendere e supportare le autovalutazioni, ma non devono essere utilizzati o affidati esclusivamente per scopi diagnostici o di trattamento e non sostituiscono una visita dal medico. Qualsiasi affidamento da parte dell’utente è a sua discrezione e rischio. La valutazione è fornita per stimare il rischio di un individuo di sviluppare le forme più comuni di cancro della pelle (melanoma, carcinoma basocellulare, carcinoma squamocellulare) nel tempo. La valutazione del rischio si basa su un’immagine generata da uno smartphone che potrebbe non essere una rappresentazione reale di qualsiasi disagio avvertito (prurito, irritazione, sanguinamento); pertanto, si raccomanda vivamente di discutere i propri fattori di rischio personali e i risultati della valutazione con il proprio medico. Skinive non sarà responsabile per qualsiasi decisione presa dall’utente di non discutere con il proprio medico della salute della pelle, dei fattori di rischio personali e/o dei risultati della valutazione.
2. Skinive non fornisce alcuna dichiarazione o garanzia in merito alle informazioni contenute nella libreria online e in-app. Non garantiamo che le informazioni mediche sui Servizi online siano disponibili, complete, completamente accurate e aggiornate.
3. Nonostante quanto sopra, Skinive si riserva il diritto, ma non l’obbligo, di rifiutare la pubblicazione di qualsiasi contenuto e/o di rimuovere l’accesso al Servizio.
4. Non abbiamo alcuna responsabilità per qualsiasi tipo di azione che l’utente compie o non compie a causa o nonostante le informazioni contenute nei Servizi online. Se l’utente si trova in una situazione di emergenza medica o è preoccupato per le sue condizioni mediche, deve rivolgersi immediatamente a un medico. L’utente non deve ritardare la richiesta di consulenza medica, interrompere il trattamento o ignorare i consigli medici a causa delle informazioni contenute nei Servizi online.
5. Skinive non garantisce il corretto funzionamento delle valutazioni se si utilizza una valutazione mentre si è soggetti a una controindicazione all’uso.
6. La nostra responsabilità in relazione ai Servizi online sarà limitata a (i) danni diretti o (in caso di copertura assicurativa) (ii) l’importo pagato in base alla nostra polizza assicurativa, a meno che non si tratti di responsabilità:
– per morte o lesioni personali derivanti da negligenza grave;
– per danni derivanti da frode o dichiarazione fraudolenta;
– che in base alla legge applicabile non possono essere limitati.
7. Nella misura in cui il nostro sito web e le informazioni e i servizi presenti sul nostro sito web sono forniti gratuitamente, non saremo responsabili per eventuali perdite o danni di qualsiasi natura.
8. Non saremo responsabili nei vostri confronti per eventuali perdite derivanti da uno o più eventi al di fuori del nostro ragionevole controllo.
9. I Servizi sono destinati esclusivamente all’uso personale domestico. Pertanto, non saremo responsabili nei confronti dell’utente per eventuali perdite commerciali, incluse (senza limitazioni) perdite o danni a profitti, reddito, entrate, uso, produzione, risparmi previsti, attività, contratti, opportunità commerciali o avviamento.
10. L’utente accetta di non avanzare alcuna richiesta di risarcimento a titolo personale nei confronti dei nostri funzionari o dipendenti in relazione a eventuali perdite subite in relazione al sito web o ai presenti Termini (ciò non limiterà o escluderà, ovviamente, la responsabilità della stessa entità a responsabilità limitata per gli atti e le omissioni dei nostri funzionari e dipendenti).
11. Non saremo responsabili di alcun contenuto pubblicato dall’utente sui social media utilizzando un plugin per social media sul nostro sito web.
10. Informazioni sul copyright e sui marchi di fabbrica
Il marchio “Skinive” e il logo dei cerchi geometrici sono marchi e/o marchi di servizio di Skinve Holding B.V. Il contenuto e il design dei Servizi online Skinive sono protetti dalle leggi internazionali sul copyright. Non è possibile copiare, riprodurre, ripubblicare, caricare, postare, visualizzare, trasmettere o incorniciare alcuno di questi materiali senza il previo consenso scritto dei proprietari del copyright, ad eccezione del fatto che è possibile visualizzare, scaricare, visualizzare e stampare una singola copia di questi materiali su un unico computer per uso personale e non commerciale, a condizione che:
– non alteriate o modifichiate i materiali in alcun modo;
– includa tutti gli avvisi e le esclusioni di responsabilità applicabili (compresi gli avvisi di copyright); e
– l’utente non utilizzi i materiali in modo da suggerire un’associazione con Skinive o un’entità affiliata a Skinive. L’utente comprende e accetta che la proprietà di questi materiali non passerà a lui o a qualsiasi altro utente.
11. Regole per i consumatori
A seconda del Paese in cui ci si trova, possono essere applicate norme di tutela dei consumatori. Si consiglia di tenerne conto.
12. Legge applicabile e giurisdizione
I presenti Termini sono disciplinati dalle leggi dei Paesi Bassi e sono soggetti alla giurisdizione esclusiva dei tribunali dei Paesi Bassi (nella misura in cui tale scelta di legge e foro non sia annullata da leggi (super)obbligatorie di altri paesi coinvolti).
Privacy policy
We at Skinive care about your privacy and protecting your personal data is very important for us and we are fully committed to protecting and safeguarding the personal data you share with us when you use our service. Please read this privacy policy carefully to help you understand what personal data and how we process, who has access to your data and what rights you have.
If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us via the contact details listed at the end of this Policy.
For further information about our use of cookies, we refer to our Cookie Policy.
1. Introduction
This Privacy Policy applies to your access and use of the Website and services we provide via the Website of the mobile applications.
If you do not agree with our processing of personal data as described in this Privacy Policy, you cannot continue the use of our Website or Services. If you agree with our Privacy Policy, we hereby welcome you to our service.
We might amend this Privacy Policy from time to time. Visit this page regularly in order not to miss and to understand the changes. If we make important changes, we will always notify you before you use our service.
If you do not agree with our processing of personal data as described in this Privacy Policy, you cannot continue the use of our Services. If you agree with our Privacy Policy, we hereby welcome you to our service and you’re ready to start making assessments.
Below you can find summaries of the information in this Privacy Policy, you can click on the “read more” links in order to find the elaborate version. We hope this makes it easier for you to find the information you are looking for.
1.1. The personal data Skinive collects
To be able to help you monitor the health of your skin, certain information is necessary for us to be able to provide you with our Services. You can sign up for our service in the chat-bot App using your messenger When you want to use our paid services, you also have to provide us with your payment information.
If you a professional user, we will collect your name and contact details, as well as billing information. If you represent a legal entity, we will also use the details of that entity as your employer or client.
We collect information about the device you use to access our Chat-Bot App or Website. The type of information we collect can, for example, include the type of your device, the software you use, location, device language and your IP address. In addition to this, we collect the data you provide in the App including the answers to the questionnaire regarding skin profile and the Images you upload.
1.2. Why Skinive collects your data
We use your data to assist you in the best possible way. We need certain data in order to provide you with our full service and assist you with your health journey (for personal users) or with your professional activities (for professional users). We may also use your data for research purposes to improve our service. Furthermore, your information may be used for customer service, marketing, communications, and for legal purposes. Please read on for further details.
1.3. Skinive and third parties
Skinive has third party service providers that help us provide or improve our service, this includes service providers, payment providers and financial institutions, business partners or research institutions. Read here in more detail how your data is used and exchanged.
1.4. Skinive and social media
On our Website, we have share and like buttons to enable you to share our content with your network. We provide you with the opportunity to use your Facebook and Telegram to login to our Services and we also have a Facebook plugin which provides us with information which allows us to improve our services. Read more here.
1.5. Privacy, data security, and data retention
Skinive has implemented various measures and procedures to safeguard your personal data, as stipulated by European and Belarussian data protection law. We will retain your data for 12 months after you unsubscribe from our service. Read more here.
1.6. Personal data of children
Our service can only be used when you have reached the age of eighteen (18) years or when you are older. Read more below.
1.7. Your rights – access to your information
At any time, you can make a request to review, correct, delete, obtain your data. You are also entitled to withdraw consent for the processing of the personal data we hold of you. You can do this by mail or email, using the addresses listed below. You also have the right to contact the Belarussian Data Protection Authority when you have concerns about your rights. Please read more here.
1.8. Responsible party for the processing
Skinive Holding B.V., located in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, is the owner and operator of the service and is the controller of personal data processed via the Website, Chat Bot and the App. For more details, please see below.
Please find the full explanation on how we process your data below.
2. The personal data Skinive collects
Personal data you provide to us
The data you provide to us is collected and used (“processed”) by us to provide you with our best service. The minimum information you are asked for to provide us is your email address in order to access our service.
In our chat-bot App, you can provide further information regarding your skin type and risk profile. We also collect the Images you take of your skin lesions and the way you store, organize and comment on them. Without your explicit consent, we are not allowed to store this type of information, and we cannot provide you with our service.
Other information we collect is your payment information and the information you provide to complete your personal profile: your first name and last name, profile picture, gender, date of birth, location, phone number, language.
When you use our Smart Check services and submit a picture of your skin lesion for analysis by our service, we store the pictures and collect the information of your assessment. We do this to be able to assist you with your health journey. We will ask for your explicit consent to allow us to store this type of information before you use such service, without your consent we cannot provide you with our service.
As part of your health journey, we may send you follow-up emails regarding the provided advice and to assist you by reminding you to seek medical attention when necessary. If you wish to reply to these emails and get in touch with our Customer Support we will collect the information that you provide in these replies from you too.
When you use our App, we also collect data that identifies your mobile device and your use of the platform. The information we store includes notification access, device-specific settings and characteristics, system activity, location details, IP address, language settings, app crashes and other device event information, access dates and times of your usage of the app.
We collect information when you give us feedback via your App Store or the questionnaire.
Personal information you provide us regarding the health of others
Our service is exclusively meant for your personal use. If you want to help others, please do so by encouraging them to download their own version of Skinive. This will help them with their health journey and ensures that any health-related messages will be delivered to the right person.
Personal information you provide us as a professional
When you access and use our service for professional purposes, we collect your name, email address, name of the organisation you are employed at or otherwise represent, other contact details (address, phone number).
Any personal data you upload when using our services we process on your behalf as a data processor. You, as controller of such data, shall ensure that you comply with all applicable data protection requirements, when processing such data and entrusting its further processing to us. Our processing of such data will be governed by a separate data processing agreement.
Automatically collected personal data
During your visit to our Website or App, we automatically collect certain information of you, your visit of the service and the device you are using. This data includes data on the hardware, software, operating system, internet browser, IP address, language and application settings and version. We also collect data about when and how you used the service, including interaction with the elements on it and which pages you visited in the App or on the Website.
3. Why Skinive collects your data
We use your data to assist you in the best possible way, your data may be used for the following reasons:
Health journey: The main reason why we collect your personal data is to supply you with our core service: assistance with your skin health journey and assist you with the early detection of irregular patterns on your skin, which can be a potential sign of the development of skin cancer.
Management and improvement of our Services: We use your information to manage our Website, App, and business and to improve our services continuously.
Customer Service: Our customer service is here to help you and we use your data to do so. We may send you email notifications and/or in-App messages relating to the results of the analysis, this includes emails in which we provide you with information and ask you to provide us with information about possible follow-up actions.
Marketing: In order to keep you informed, we may send you communications relating to our business, by email or other contact details you provided to us, we may send you a questionnaire or invite you to provide a review of your experiences with our service, and we also may get in touch with you regarding feedback, inquiries, and complaints you made regarding our Website and App, provided that you did not opt-out from receiving such communication. If you submit personal information for publication on our Website, we will use that information in accordance with the license you grant to us.
Communications: We will send you communication regarding assessments you make via the App.
Research activities: In order to support the research on skin cancer and detection methods, we may use your data, depersonalitic (without a direct link to your identity) or anonymized (without us being able to identify you at all), for research purposes. This may include sharing your data with carefully selected third party research institutions. By uploading your images in the App, you explicitly consent to the images being processed for the purposes of the provision of the services and to be used anonymously for the purposes of research and testing of our services. As such, your images may be reviewed by our employees or third-party consultants who work for us and who are bound by strict confidentiality.
Legal purposes: In certain cases, we may need to use your information to handle and resolve legal disputes, for regulatory investigations and compliance, or to enforce the terms of use of the service as reasonably expected.
We collect and process your data based on the following legal grounds
Contractual necessity: In order to fulfill the contract, you enter into with us when you use our Services, we have to process some essential information. When you wish to use one of our paid services we may need to process your email address, pictures of skin lesions, risk assessment, payment information.
Legitimate interests: We are committed to improving and growing our service. Some of your data can help us to improve and promote our Service and Website, other data we may need for administrative, legal purposes or anti-fraud activities.
Legal obligations: We have to comply with certain laws and (country specific) regulations. In order to comply with these, we need information about your location and date of birth.
Consent: For certain promotional and marketing activities, we may ask additional consent. When you wish to withdraw your consent, please contact us via the contact details at the bottom of this Policy.
Explicit consent: Data regarding the health of your skin and risk assessments is a more sensitive category of data. In order to lawfully process this data for you, we will ask your explicit consent before we can assist you. When you wish to withdraw your consent, please contact us via the contact details at the bottom of this Policy. When you withdraw your consent, we will not be able to provide you with our Services and you should discontinue using our Services.
4. Skinive and third parties
For some specific reasons, Skinive may share your personal data with carefully-selected third parties, such us our IT service providers, insurers, tax authorities. Please find an up-to-date list of the categories of our third parties here.
5. Skinive and social media
Skinive uses social media for various reasons. We provide you with the opportunity to use your Facebook and Telegram login for your convenience. You supply your credentials to a Facebook-owned dialogue or embedded website, we will not receive any of your personal data from Facebook and we are not responsible for the processing of your data by Facebook.
On our Website, we integrated social media like and share buttons (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Reddit), which allows you to share the content you like directly with your network. The social media plugins may process your personal data when you choose to share or like any content of our Website with your network. Skinive does not control and is not responsible for, the processing of personal data by these networks.
Furthermore, we have a Facebook plugin which provides us with data which we use to monitor and maintain our Service. The information we receive from this plugin is not personalized and Skinive is not responsible for the processing of your data by Facebook.
6. Data privacy, security, and data retention
All data you provide to us and we collect from you is stored on secure cloud servers (the Servers) in the territory of the European Union. As a result, your personal information may be transferred to and stored at, a destination outside your country. By submitting your personal information, you agree to the transfer of your personal information to the servers.
Personal information may also be processed by staff or by other third party service providers operating outside your country who work for us. We take such steps as are necessary for the circumstances to ensure that any third party service providers treat your data securely and in accordance with applicable laws.
Data security
All data that you provide through the App and/or the Website is encrypted when it is transferred to or from the servers using industry-standard encryption (TLS). Furthermore, data is stored in encrypted form when at rest on the servers.
We store your account information and your digital images in separate data stores. The cloud server infrastructure is protected using firewalls and monitoring.
We work with appropriate procedures to prevent unauthorised access to and/or misuse of your personal data.
Skinive uses appropriate procedures and business systems to safeguard your personal data. Furthermore, we use security procedures and technical and physical restrictions for accessing and using the personal data on our servers. Only authorized personnel can access your personal data.
Data retention
Skinive will destroy or de-identify your personal information once it is no longer required for the purpose or purposes for which it was collected.
If you terminate the Services and delete your account, we will retain your personal information for a period of 12 months, after which we will delete your data. We will retain the images you have uploaded prior to termination in anonymous form only, for the purposes of medical, clinical and commercial research, and for testing of the Services. We will ask for your consent to process your data anonymously for research purposes.
We will retain (electronic) documents containing personal information:
to the extent that we are required to do so by law;
if we believe that the documents may be relevant to any ongoing or prospective legal proceedings; and
in order to establish, exercise or defend our legal rights (including providing information to others for the purposes of fraud prevention and reducing credit risk).
7. Personal data of children
Our service can only be used when you have reached the age of eighteen (18) years or when you are older. When we identify personal information of children younger than eighteen (18) years old, we shall delete the data based on our legal obligations.
8. Your rights – access to your information
We will, upon your request, provide you with access to your personal information that is held by us. We will provide the data to you in a structured, understandable and machine readable way. We request that you provide us with appropriate evidence of your identity (for this purpose, we will usually accept a photocopy of your passport plus an original copy of a utility bill showing your current address). We will require you to make your personal identification number and picture invisible to us.
In your request for access, we also request that you identify, as clearly as possible, the type(s) of information you wish to have access to. We will comply with your request to provide access to your personal information within 30 days and if you agree we may charge you our reasonable costs incurred in supplying you with access to this information.
At any time, you can make a request to review, correct, delete, or obtain your data. You can also withdraw consent for the processing of the personal data we hold of you. You can make such request by mail or email, using the addresses listed below.
You also have the right to launch a complaint with the Data Protection Authority of your country (full list available here), when you have concerns about your rights, or if you feel that we are unlawfully processing your data.
You may oppose against the processing of personal information concerning you, even if they are relevant to the purpose of the collection.
You may instruct us at any time not to process your personal information for marketing purposes and we will provide you with an opportunity to opt out of the use of your personal information for marketing purposes.
9. Responsible party for the processing of your data
The Website and the App are owned and operated by Skinive. You can contact us by writing to the business address given above, by using our Website contact form or the feedback form in the App or by email to
Cookie Policy for Skinive
What Are Cookies
As is common practice with almost all professional websites this site uses cookies, which are tiny files that are downloaded to your computer, to improve your experience. This page describes what information they gather, how we use it and why we sometimes need to store these cookies. We will also share how you can prevent these cookies from being stored however this may downgrade or ‘break’ certain elements of the sites functionality.
How We Use Cookies
We use cookies for a variety of reasons detailed below. Unfortunately in most cases there are no industry standard options for disabling cookies without completely disabling the functionality and features they add to this site. It is recommended that you leave on all cookies if you are not sure whether you need them or not in case they are used to provide a service that you use.
Disabling Cookies
You can prevent the setting of cookies by adjusting the settings on your browser (see your browser Help for how to do this). Be aware that disabling cookies will affect the functionality of this and many other websites that you visit. Disabling cookies will usually result in also disabling certain functionality and features of the this site. Therefore it is recommended that you do not disable cookies.
The Cookies We Set
This site offers e-commerce or payment facilities and some cookies are essential to ensure that your order is remembered between pages so that we can process it properly. When you submit data to through a form such as those found on contact pages or comment forms cookies may be set to remember your user details for future correspondence.
In order to provide you with a great experience on this site we provide the functionality to set your preferences for how this site runs when you use it. In order to remember your preferences we need to set cookies so that this information can be called whenever you interact with a page is affected by your preferences.
Third Party Cookies
In some special cases we also use cookies provided by trusted third parties. The following section details which third party cookies you might encounter through this site.
This site uses Google Analytics which is one of the most widespread and trusted analytics solution on the web for helping us to understand how you use the site and ways that we can improve your experience. These cookies may track things such as how long you spend on the site and the pages that you visit so we can continue to produce engaging content. For more information on Google Analytics cookies, see the official Google Analytics page.
Third party analytics are used to track and measure usage of this site so that we can continue to produce engaging content. These cookies may track things such as how long you spend on the site or pages you visit which helps us to understand how we can improve the site for you. From time to time we test new features and make subtle changes to the way that the site is delivered. When we are still testing new features these cookies may be used to ensure that you receive a consistent experience whilst on the site whilst ensuring we understand which optimisations our users appreciate the most.
As we sell products it’s important for us to understand statistics about how many of the visitors to our site actually make a purchase and as such this is the kind of data that these cookies will track. This is important to you as it means that we can accurately make business predictions that allow us to monitor our advertising and product costs to ensure the best possible price.
We also use social media buttons and/or plugins on this site that allow you to connect with your social network in various ways. For these to work the following social media sites including; Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Discuss, will set cookies through our site which may be used to enhance your profile on their site or contribute to the data they hold for various purposes outlined in their respective privacy policies.
More Information
Hopefully that has clarified things for you and as was previously mentioned if there is something that you aren’t sure whether you need or not it’s usually safer to leave cookies enabled in case it does interact with one of the features you use on our site. However if you are still looking for more information then you can contact us through one of our preferred contact methods.
Privacy policy
We at Skinive care about your privacy and. Protecting your personal data is very important for us and we are fully committed to protecting and safeguarding the personal data you share with us when you use our service. Please read this privacy policy carefully to help you understand what personal data and how we process, who has access to your data and what rights you have.
If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us via the contact details listed at the end of this Policy.
For further information about our use of cookies, we refer to our Cookie Policy.
1. Introduction
This Privacy Policy applies to your access and use of the Website and services we provide via the Website of the mobile applications.
If you do not agree with our processing of personal data as described in this Privacy Policy, you cannot continue the use of our Website or Services. If you agree with our Privacy Policy, we hereby welcome you to our service.
We might amend this Privacy Policy from time to time. Visit this page regularly in order not to miss and to understand the changes. If we make important changes, we will always notify you before you use our service.
If you do not agree with our processing of personal data as described in this Privacy Policy, you cannot continue the use of our Services. If you agree with our Privacy Policy, we hereby welcome you to our service and you’re ready to start making assessments.
Below you can find summaries of the information in this Privacy Policy, you can click on the “read more” links in order to find the elaborate version. We hope this makes it easier for you to find the information you are looking for.
1.1. The personal data Skinive collects
To be able to help you monitor the health of your skin, certain information is necessary for us to be able to provide you with our Services. You can sign up for our service in the chat-bot App using your messenger When you want to use our paid services, you also have to provide us with your payment information.
If you a professional user, we will collect your name and contact details, as well as billing information. If you represent a legal entity, we will also use the details of that entity as your employer or client.
We collect information about the device you use to access our Chat-Bot App or Website. The type of information we collect can, for example, include the type of your device, the software you use, location, device language and your IP address. In addition to this, we collect the data you provide in the App including the answers to the questionnaire regarding skin profile and the Images you upload.
1.2. Why Skinive collects your data
We use your data to assist you in the best possible way. We need certain data in order to provide you with our full service and assist you with your health journey (for personal users) or with your professional activities (for professional users). We may also use your data for research purposes to improve our service. Furthermore, your information may be used for customer service, marketing, communications, and for legal purposes. Please read on for further details.
1.3. Skinive and third parties
Skinive has third party service providers that help us provide or improve our service, this includes service providers, payment providers and financial institutions, business partners or research institutions. Read here in more detail how your data is used and exchanged.
1.4. Skinive and social media
On our Website, we have share and like buttons to enable you to share our content with your network. We provide you with the opportunity to use your Facebook and Telegram to login to our Services and we also have a Facebook plugin which provides us with information which allows us to improve our services. Read more here.
1.5. Privacy, data security, and data retention
Skinive has implemented various measures and procedures to safeguard your personal data, as stipulated by European and Belarussian data protection law. We will retain your data for 12 months after you unsubscribe from our service. Read more here.
1.6. Personal data of children
Our service can only be used when you have reached the age of eighteen (18) years or when you are older. Read more below.
1.7. Your rights – access to your information
At any time, you can make a request to review, correct, delete, obtain your data. You are also entitled to withdraw consent for the processing of the personal data we hold of you. You can do this by mail or email, using the addresses listed below. You also have the right to contact the Belarussian Data Protection Authority when you have concerns about your rights. Please read more here.
1.8. Responsible party for the processing
Skinive Holding B.V., located in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, is the owner and operator of the service and is the controller of personal data processed via the Website, Chat Bot and the App. For more details, please see below.
Please find the full explanation on how we process your data below.
2. The personal data Skinive collects
Personal data you provide to us
The data you provide to us is collected and used (“processed”) by us to provide you with our best service. The minimum information you are asked for to provide us is your email address in order to access our service.
In our chat-bot App, you can provide further information regarding your skin type and risk profile. We also collect the Images you take of your skin lesions and the way you store, organize and comment on them. Without your explicit consent, we are not allowed to store this type of information, and we cannot provide you with our service.
Other information we collect is your payment information and the information you provide to complete your personal profile: your first name and last name, profile picture, gender, date of birth, location, phone number, language.
When you use our Smart Check services and submit a picture of your skin lesion for analysis by our service, we store the pictures and collect the information of your assessment. We do this to be able to assist you with your health journey. We will ask for your explicit consent to allow us to store this type of information before you use such service, without your consent we cannot provide you with our service.
As part of your health journey, we may send you follow-up emails regarding the provided advice and to assist you by reminding you to seek medical attention when necessary. If you wish to reply to these emails and get in touch with our Customer Support we will collect the information that you provide in these replies from you too.
When you use our App, we also collect data that identifies your mobile device and your use of the platform. The information we store includes notification access, device-specific settings and characteristics, system activity, location details, IP address, language settings, app crashes and other device event information, access dates and times of your usage of the app.
We collect information when you give us feedback via your App Store or the questionnaire.
Personal information you provide us regarding the health of others
Our service is exclusively meant for your personal use. If you want to help others, please do so by encouraging them to download their own version of Skinive. This will help them with their health journey and ensures that any health-related messages will be delivered to the right person.
Personal information you provide us as a professional
When you access and use our service for professional purposes, we collect your name, email address, name of the organisation you are employed at or otherwise represent, other contact details (address, phone number).
Any personal data you upload when using our services we process on your behalf as a data processor. You, as controller of such data, shall ensure that you comply with all applicable data protection requirements, when processing such data and entrusting its further processing to us. Our processing of such data will be governed by a separate data processing agreement.
Automatically collected personal data
During your visit to our Website or App, we automatically collect certain information of you, your visit of the service and the device you are using. This data includes data on the hardware, software, operating system, internet browser, IP address, language and application settings and version. We also collect data about when and how you used the service, including interaction with the elements on it and which pages you visited in the App or on the Website.
3. Why Skinive collects your data
We use your data to assist you in the best possible way, your data may be used for the following reasons:
Health journey: The main reason why we collect your personal data is to supply you with our core service: assistance with your skin health journey and assist you with the early detection of irregular patterns on your skin, which can be a potential sign of the development of skin cancer.
Management and improvement of our Services: We use your information to manage our Website, App, and business and to improve our services continuously.
Customer Service: Our customer service is here to help you and we use your data to do so. We may send you email notifications and/or in-App messages relating to the results of the analysis, this includes emails in which we provide you with information and ask you to provide us with information about possible follow-up actions.
Marketing: In order to keep you informed, we may send you communications relating to our business, by email or other contact details you provided to us, we may send you a questionnaire or invite you to provide a review of your experiences with our service, and we also may get in touch with you regarding feedback, inquiries, and complaints you made regarding our Website and App, provided that you did not opt-out from receiving such communication. If you submit personal information for publication on our Website, we will use that information in accordance with the license you grant to us.
Communications: We will send you communication regarding assessments you make via the App.
Research activities: In order to support the research on skin cancer and detection methods, we may use your data, depersonalitic (without a direct link to your identity) or anonymized (without us being able to identify you at all), for research purposes. This may include sharing your data with carefully selected third party research institutions. By uploading your images in the App, you explicitly consent to the images being processed for the purposes of the provision of the services and to be used anonymously for the purposes of research and testing of our services. As such, your images may be reviewed by our employees or third-party consultants who work for us and who are bound by strict confidentiality.
Legal purposes: In certain cases, we may need to use your information to handle and resolve legal disputes, for regulatory investigations and compliance, or to enforce the terms of use of the service as reasonably expected.
We collect and process your data based on the following legal grounds
Contractual necessity: In order to fulfill the contract, you enter into with us when you use our Services, we have to process some essential information. When you wish to use one of our paid services we may need to process your email address, pictures of skin lesions, risk assessment, payment information.
Legitimate interests: We are committed to improving and growing our service. Some of your data can help us to improve and promote our Service and Website, other data we may need for administrative, legal purposes or anti-fraud activities.
Legal obligations: We have to comply with certain laws and (country specific) regulations. In order to comply with these, we need information about your location and date of birth.
Consent: For certain promotional and marketing activities, we may ask additional consent. When you wish to withdraw your consent, please contact us via the contact details at the bottom of this Policy.
Explicit consent: Data regarding the health of your skin and risk assessments is a more sensitive category of data. In order to lawfully process this data for you, we will ask your explicit consent before we can assist you. When you wish to withdraw your consent, please contact us via the contact details at the bottom of this Policy. When you withdraw your consent, we will not be able to provide you with our Services and you should discontinue using our Services.
4. Skinive and third parties
For some specific reasons, Skinive may share your personal data with carefully-selected third parties, such us our IT service providers, insurers, tax authorities. Please find an up-to-date list of the categories of our third parties here.
5. Skinive and social media
Skinive uses social media for various reasons. We provide you with the opportunity to use your Facebook and Telegram login for your convenience. You supply your credentials to a Facebook-owned dialogue or embedded website, we will not receive any of your personal data from Facebook and we are not responsible for the processing of your data by Facebook.
On our Website, we integrated social media like and share buttons (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Reddit), which allows you to share the content you like directly with your network. The social media plugins may process your personal data when you choose to share or like any content of our Website with your network. Skinive does not control and is not responsible for, the processing of personal data by these networks.
Furthermore, we have a Facebook plugin which provides us with data which we use to monitor and maintain our Service. The information we receive from this plugin is not personalized and Skinive is not responsible for the processing of your data by Facebook.
6. Data privacy, security, and data retention
All data you provide to us and we collect from you is stored on secure cloud servers (the Servers) in the territory of the European Union. As a result, your personal information may be transferred to and stored at, a destination outside your country. By submitting your personal information, you agree to the transfer of your personal information to the servers.
Personal information may also be processed by staff or by other third party service providers operating outside your country who work for us. We take such steps as are necessary for the circumstances to ensure that any third party service providers treat your data securely and in accordance with applicable laws.
Data security
All data that you provide through the App and/or the Website is encrypted when it is transferred to or from the servers using industry-standard encryption (TLS). Furthermore, data is stored in encrypted form when at rest on the servers.
We store your account information and your digital images in separate data stores. The cloud server infrastructure is protected using firewalls and monitoring.
We work with appropriate procedures to prevent unauthorised access to and/or misuse of your personal data.
Skinive uses appropriate procedures and business systems to safeguard your personal data. Furthermore, we use security procedures and technical and physical restrictions for accessing and using the personal data on our servers. Only authorized personnel can access your personal data.
Data retention
Skinive will destroy or de-identify your personal information once it is no longer required for the purpose or purposes for which it was collected.
If you terminate the Services and delete your account, we will retain your personal information for a period of 12 months, after which we will delete your data. We will retain the images you have uploaded prior to termination in anonymous form only, for the purposes of medical, clinical and commercial research, and for testing of the Services. We will ask for your consent to process your data anonymously for research purposes.
We will retain (electronic) documents containing personal information:
to the extent that we are required to do so by law;
if we believe that the documents may be relevant to any ongoing or prospective legal proceedings; and
in order to establish, exercise or defend our legal rights (including providing information to others for the purposes of fraud prevention and reducing credit risk).
7. Personal data of children
Our service can only be used when you have reached the age of eighteen (18) years or when you are older. When we identify personal information of children younger than eighteen (18) years old, we shall delete the data based on our legal obligations.
8. Your rights – access to your information
We will, upon your request, provide you with access to your personal information that is held by us. We will provide the data to you in a structured, understandable and machine readable way. We request that you provide us with appropriate evidence of your identity (for this purpose, we will usually accept a photocopy of your passport plus an original copy of a utility bill showing your current address). We will require you to make your personal identification number and picture invisible to us.
In your request for access, we also request that you identify, as clearly as possible, the type(s) of information you wish to have access to. We will comply with your request to provide access to your personal information within 30 days and if you agree we may charge you our reasonable costs incurred in supplying you with access to this information.
At any time, you can make a request to review, correct, delete, or obtain your data. You can also withdraw consent for the processing of the personal data we hold of you. You can make such request by mail or email, using the addresses listed below.
You also have the right to launch a complaint with the Data Protection Authority of your country (full list available here), when you have concerns about your rights, or if you feel that we are unlawfully processing your data.
You may oppose against the processing of personal information concerning you, even if they are relevant to the purpose of the collection.
You may instruct us at any time not to process your personal information for marketing purposes and we will provide you with an opportunity to opt out of the use of your personal information for marketing purposes.
9. Responsible party for the processing of your data
The Website and the App are owned and operated by Skinive. You can contact us by writing to the business address given above, by using our Website contact form or the feedback form in the App or by email to