Welcome to Skinive dermatological atlas, your ultimate resource for understanding and identifying various skin conditions. From common ailments like acne and eczema to more serious issues such as skin cancer and fungal infections, our atlas covers a wide range of dermatological topics. With detailed descriptions, visual aids, and expert insights, you’ll gain valuable knowledge on recognizing symptoms, understanding causes, and exploring treatment options for different skin conditions.

Explanation of risks:

💚 Low Risk: Safe skin pathologies that do not require medical intervention. Self-monitoring 1-2 times per month is recommended. Treatment or removal only for cosmetic reasons or if condition worsens.

⚠️ Medium risk: Non-cancerous and borderline (precancerous) conditions. It is recommended to show these pathologies to a dermatologist at a routine checkup or in the next 1-3 months. Self-monitoring 1-2 times a month and re-visit the doctor if worsening.

🚨 High risk: Oncologic and infectious skin diseases. HPV infections sometimes go away on their own, but they are contagious and can cause skin cancer in 5% of cases. Therefore, in this case, a consultation with a dermatologist or dermato-oncologist is needed as soon as possible to get a timely diagnosis and treatment.


Low risk
Medium risk
High risk
Benign neoplasms, also known as “moles,” are noncancerous growths on the skin that usually appear as small dark spots or...
1. Benign neoplasms, nevi, moles (12)
Borderline or Precancerous skin lesions are abnormal changes in the skin that can develop into skin cancer if left untreated....
2. Borderline skin lesions (2)
Skin cancer is an abnormal growth of skin cells, often caused by exposure to ultraviolet radiation from the sun or...
3. Skin Cancer: melanoma, BCC, SCC (6)
Acne is a common skin condition characterized by clogged skin pores, pimples, and sometimes deeper cysts or nodules. Rosacea is...
4. Acne, rozacea, milium (7)
HPV stands for human papillomavirus, a common infection that is transmitted by contact or sex. There are many different types...
5. Viral skin diseases: HPV, herpes (8)
Mycoses are caused by fungi that penetrate the skin, nails or mucous membranes. As a result, various diseases of the...
6. Mycoses: fungal infections of the skin, hair and nails (4)
Dermatitis is a broad term meaning inflammation of the skin. It can be caused by a variety of factors, including...
7.  Dermatitis (3)
Papulosquamous disorders are a group of skin diseases characterized by the presence of papules (small raised bumps) and scales on...
8. Papulosquamous disorders: psoriasis, lichen (7)
Eczema is a chronic skin condition characterized by inflammation, itching and redness. It often manifests as dry, scaly patches on...
9. Eczema (1)