About Skinive

We’re on a mission to help people take care of their skin's beauty and health in an easier and faster way than anything you've tried before.

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Skinive AI Accuracy

We use the power of computer vision and the expertise of dermatologists to train AI to identify skin diseases in a database of clinical cases.

Growth performance:

July 2021

July 2022

Viral Diseases

Benign Formations

Precancer + Cancer


Overall Sensitivity

On the way to a professional dermatologist

Accuracy Report 2022

Publications and Clinical Evidence:


Accessibility for all

No matter where you live, if you have access to a smartphone, you have access to Skinive’s cutting-edge Deep Learning technology.


We use the most up-to-date AI screening technology to provide you with accurate results in a timely manner.


At Skinive, we hold ourselves to the highest possible standards and are constantly working towards making our services as efficient as possible.


Battling a skin ailment or disease can be a difficult challenge on many levels. At Skinive, we recognize this and will guide you every step of the way in order to make the process as easy as possible.

Skinive Apps are CE-Marked medical software trusted by dermatologists and being used by people at home and by professionals in primary care all around the world.

Our products

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