⚠️ Read more about Skinive Cloud features & cases on product page

Sequence of method calls

validate -> predict

The first query allows you to determine if the image is suitable for analysis. The second request is directly checking the image. If you submit an image of anything at the entrance to the prediction, then this image will be recognized as some kind of skin formation.

Information about requirements to photo & userflow example available
on the video below

POST  /validate

URL: https://api.skiniver.com/validate


Checks the photo for suitability for recognition


curl –location –request POST ‘https://api.skiniver.com/validate‘ \

–header ‘Authorization: token‘ \

–form ‘img=”@img.jpg”‘


–header ‘Authorization: token‘


img * file – image presented as file


"prob":"0.99", *required field //the probability that the picture is good or bad

"isgood": "false" *required field // a field indicating how the validation went, if you received it false, you need to ask the user to take a photo again.

POST  /predict

URL: https://api.skiniver.com/predict


Diagnosis of the presence of a skin disease


curl –location –request POST ‘https://api.skiniver.com/predict‘ \

— header ‘Authorization: token‘ \

— form ‘img=”@img.jpg”‘


–header ‘Authorization: token’

–header ‘Locale: en’  /// “ru”, “en”


img * file()

lang  string


"atlas_page_link":"https://skinive.com/dermatlas/benign-formations/id23-benign-nevus/", *required field // atlas article link
"check_datetime":"2021-01-14T16:04:19+0000", *required field //check time
"class":"Benign nevus", *required field // disease name
"class_raw":"benign_nevus", *required field
"colored_s3_url":"https://cdn.skiniver.com/colored/7/2/fc65b2bd-bfb6-4bc5-8143-0eed0b1753ff.jpg", *required field // The second image of the process of the neural network

"description":"Risk assessment: No health hazards identified. Benign skin neoplasm was detected. 
You should contact a dermatologist in case of damage to this neoplasm or with changes in its area. 
Once a year - scheduled monitoring by a dermatologist.\n\nProbable diagnosis: 
\n99% Benign nevus\n\nDiagnosis: after dermatoscopy\nTreatment: not required. 
observation\nAdvice: Scheduled visit to a dermatologist\n", *required field //Status description and recommendations for further steps

"desease":"Benign formation", *required field // type of disease
"image_url":"https://cdn.skiniver.com/benign_nevus/ec834c8ae1a64194a5c8e9d548363676_226751224917.jpg", *required field //source image
"masked_s3_url":"https://cdn.skiniver.com/masked/7/2/6e7fadbd-fc9a-4a64-ad36-c9923f8042ec.jpg", *required field //The first image of the process of the neural network
"prob":"99", *required field //The probability of coincidence of signs of this disease  
"risk":"Low", *required field //Disease risk level
"risk_level":"low", *required field 
"s3_url":"https://cdn.skiniver.com/benign_nevus/ec834c8ae1a64194a5c8e9d548363676_226751224917.jpg", *required field //second image of neural network
"status":true *required field

Unique error:

error_code: 1 – Number of checks for this token has expired

error_code: 4 – Failed to load image

Field “class_raw” from predict = field “label” from get_disease_classes

An example of the process of a neural network in photos:

1. Source photo

 2. Segmentation

3. Result

GET /get_disease_classes

URL: https://api.skiniver.com/get_disease_classes


Returns a list of categories with diseases


curl –location –request GET ‘https://api.skiniver.com/get_disease_classes‘ \

–header ‘Authorization: token’’


–header ‘Authorization: token’

–header ‘Locale: en’  /// “ru”, “en”


"categories":[ *required field
"diseases":[ *required field
"id":"0", *required field
"label":"comedone_closed", *required field
"name":"Comedone closed" *required field
"name":"Acne pustular"
"name":"Acne cystic"
"name":"Acne vulgaris"
"name":"Comedone open"
"name":"Seborrheic keratosis"
"name":"Dysplastic nevus"
"name":"Actinic keratosis"
"name":"Blue nevus"
"title_name":"Pre cancer"
"name":"Halo nevus"
"name":"Benign nevus"
"name":"Papiloma nevus"
"name":"Pyogenic granuloma"
"name":"Spitz nevus"
"title_name":"Benign formation"
"name":"No pathologies"
"title_name":"No pathologies"
"name":"Basal cell carcinoma"
"name":"Lentigo melanoma"
"name":"Squamous cell carcinoma"
"title_name":"Malignant formation"
"name":"Molluscum contagiosum"
"name":"Wart plane"
"name":"Wart plantar"
"name":"Wart vulgaris"
"status":true *required field

Skinive is currently doing the classification for the following diagnoses: