Guide to Benign Moles (Neoplasms): Types, Symptoms and Diagnosis

11th February 2021

Guide to Benign Moles (Neoplasms): Types, Symptoms and Diagnosis

Moles, or neoplasms, are common skin growths that can appear in various shapes and sizes. While some moles may raise concerns, most are harmless and considered benign. In this article, we will explore the main types of safe moles, including Benign Nevus, Papilloma Nevus, Acral Nevus, Halo Nevus, Spitz Nevus, Dermatofibroma, Hemangioma, and Pyogenic Granuloma. […]

Precancerous moles (Neoplasms): Guide to Skin Anomalies

11th September 2020

Precancerous moles (Neoplasms): Guide to Skin Anomalies

In a world where skincare is of paramount importance, understanding various skin conditions is essential for maintaining your skin’s health. One category of skin anomalies that requires careful attention is precancerous moles. These borderline growths can potentially transform into cancerous lesions if left untreated. In this article, we’ll delve into the main types of precancerous […]

Guide to Skin Cancer: Types, Symptoms and Diagnosis

2nd May 2020

Guide to Skin Cancer: Types, Symptoms and Diagnosis

Skin cancer is a pressing global health issue, affecting millions of people worldwide. Recognizing the main types of skin cancer, including Squamous Cell Carcinoma (SCC), Basal Cell Carcinoma (BCC), Melanoma, and Lentigo Melanoma, is crucial for early detection and effective treatment. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore these diseases in detail, covering their general […]

How may coronavirus symptoms (COVID-19)  manifest on the skin?

30th March 2020

How may coronavirus symptoms (COVID-19) manifest on the skin?

COVID-19 – as the doctors called the new coronavirus infection. The most common symptoms of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) are fever (above 38.5 degrees), tiredness, and dry cough. But what if these symptoms are accompanied by the skin rash? Is the rash a symptom of a coronavirus infection or does it have nothing to do with […]

Papulosquamous dermatoses: psoriasis, dermatitis and lichen.

2nd March 2020

Papulosquamous dermatoses: psoriasis, dermatitis and lichen.

Achieving healthy and radiant skin is a shared goal for many, but various skin conditions, including papulosquamous dermatoses, can disrupt our skincare journey. Papulosquamous dermatoses refer to a group of skin disorders characterized by raised, scaly papules. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the main types of papulosquamous dermatoses, including psoriasis vulgaris, psoriasis […]

Eczema & Dermatitis: Types, Symptoms and Treatment

11th December 2019

Eczema & Dermatitis: Types, Symptoms and Treatment

Dermatitis, a term referring to skin inflammation, encompasses a range of skin conditions that affect millions of people worldwide. Understanding the different types of dermatitis, their symptoms, and appropriate treatments is essential for effective management. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the main types of dermatitis, including Atopic Dermatitis or Eczema, Seborrheic Dermatitis, Contact […]

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